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We invite you to consider joining The Society of King Charles the Martyr. In joining you will be helping us to promote our objectives. Members of the Society receive bi-annually a copy of our journal Church and King and a prayer card upon joining.

Additionally members may purchase SKCM publications and items at a reduction of 10% when purchased at the bookstall at The Banqueting House on 30th January. Members who purchase publications and items via our online shop are exempt from having to pay postage and handling costs.

Members are also entitled to wear the Society’s medal, available at our shop, and are particularly encouraged to do so when attending Society events.

The Society of King Charles the Martyr is active in supporting the work of the Catholic Council of the Church of England.

The membership application form is available as an Adobe Acrobat Reader and Microsoft Word document: click on the file format you prefer. Those who do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on their computer may get a free download of this application here.

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